ABoriginArt Galleries - Inuit Gallery 1
This is the first page of the Vintage - Pre 1980 Galleries. "All items in the Old Items Galleries are certified 20 years old or more" and are wonderful! A must see. (click for "top frame"; then use drop-down menu, for pages 2, 3, and 4) Main entry page.
ABoriginArt Galleries - Inuit Eskimo Gallery
This is the first page of the Post 1980 INUIT GALLERIeS, containing contemporary Inuit carvings. (click for "top frame"; then use drop-down menu, for pages 2, 3, and 4)
Main entry page.
Arizona Tribal Collectors
This site features Pueblo Pottery from Santa Clara, San Idelfonso, Acoma and Hopi,
Hopi Kachinas and Navajo Rugs & Weavings for sale. Beautiful images and good
background information on each.
Art Exhibit by John Kostura
Here is a small collection of great Sketch Art of Native subjects, and Clay Art, some done in "the old way", by a non-Native artist. This site loads quickly.
Art History 111 Image Bank
Under "Art of the Americas after 1300:" there are many interesting works of Art by or about Native Americans.
ArtNatAm has a notable collection of original works in various mediums by Native American Artists.
Beadwork -- Rukuri Vessels
These exquisite beaded gourds of Julio Ortiz Valenuela follow an ancient Huichol tradition. Tiny beads are embedded in wax in floral designs usually inspired by the peyote flower.
Carvings - West Coast Artists
West Coast Natives online represents Native Artists and their cultural development by helping them to make a living through sharing their art with the community. The following Subcategories are available in Carvings:
Masks, Totem Poles, Talking Sticks, Misc., Boxes, Paddles, Copper Bowls, Rattles
Cherokee Images
Tribal Art by Ken Masters who does beautiful clay work. When you click on each piece, there is a story with the larger image of this fast loading site!
Coastal Carvings Gallery
Handmade Northwest Coast and other Traditional Style Woodcarvings by Gabriel Bass. Click any picture to enlarge and hear its story.
Diné College Art Show
A page full of the ribbon winners in the 2002 Art Show. 2001 Art Show here
Diné College Picture Galleries
Enjoy the following DC Picture Galleries: Self Study Accreditation Photos,
Gagaku-Taiko Concert Photos,
Native American Church Association,
Miss Diné College Pageant,
Art Show 2001,
Art Show Spring 2002,
Halloween 2002,
AIHEC 2003 Education Conference,
Native American Church Meeting 2003,
Diné College Pow Wow 2003
The Guardian Sculpture
This wonderful sculpture by Enoch Kelly Haney was recently chosen to top the new dome that is being built for the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (page loads slowly - graphics not resized, just coded as thumbnails) It is featured in the Enoch Kelly Haney Native American Art Gallery.
Hopi Art
The Kachina carvings, or dolls, were originally intended as educational tools to teach the younger children appropriate rituals. Today, these carvings have turned into an original art form. Most collectors refer to these carved representations simply as "Kachinas," or for the purists, "Katsinam."
Hopi Pottery
This absolutely beautiful traditional Hopi pottery, made on First Mesa Villages,
is featured on the 'Hopi Market' Web site (hopimarket.com). There are links to
other pages: Kachina Dolls, overlay Jewelry, plaques, baskets, & textiles.
Leonard Peltier Oil Paintings
"Painting is a way to examine the world in ways denied me by the United States Justice System, a way to travel beyond the walls and bars of the penitentiary."
Jeff Savage Sculptures
"He is a a reknown sculptor able to blend the rich tradition of Chippewa art with his
twentieth century outlook. He is best known for traditional pipes and figurines."
Miridith Morgan Gallery - Paintings
This page on the Miridith Morgan Gallery website features wonderful paintings
by award winning artists who are also tribal members. This gallery is owned by
a Kiowa tribal member and also features many types of crafts that are works of
Art, also by award winning artists. Very special.
View some of his sculpture here.
Mi’kmaq Sculpture
Wonderful sculptures by artist Randy Simon, from Big Cove First Nations, New Brunswick, Canada. This gifted artist is "Preserving Mi'kmaq Legends through Native Art and Sculptures."
Native American Art and Symbolism
This is an interesting site where you click on an Image Map of North America to view the Art and Symbolism of different regions.
Native Arts Saskatchewan
This is a marvelous website with Aboriginal arts and crafts from a wide range of
media - sculpture to moccasins. Click on the "Artists" and "Subjects" links at the
top of the page for extensive lists, or use the Search provided.
Navajo Sand Paintings
The sandpainting has been used for centuries in religious rituals, including healing ceremonies performed by Navajo medicine men. This page explains the difference of todays works for the public from the traditional sand paintings. There is an extensive collection of images by many artists in the Shiprock, NM area.
Nisga'a Art
A few pieces by the Nisga'a Nation, Nass River Valley of British Columbia. From the book "NISGA'A: PEOPLE OF THE NASS RIVER"
Published by Douglas and McIntyre, Vancouver/Toronto
© 1993 Nisga'a Tribal Council.
Northern Plains Tribal Arts 2001
Prize Winning Art Works: featured artist - Jackie Larson Bread. See also featured artist for year 2000, Sam English. See NPTA homepage for year 2002 information.
NPTA Juried Art Show Prize Winning Art Works 2002
Featuring Jim Yellowhawk, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, "Hanging Loose in Hawaii"
: 2003 Promotional Artist, and many others in all categories.
Oneida Nation Arts Program
Main Menu: Artist Directory, Classes, Concerts, Grants, and more. Arts
opportunities in Oneida in dance, literature, music, theater, and visual arts.
Original Art by Dorothy Sullivan
This page features paintings inspired by Dorothy's pride in her Cherokee history, culture and legends.
Original Soapstone Carvings
This site features a wonderful display of Carvings by various
artists from the Six Nations; also exhibits by Inuit sculptures.
Paintings by Gentle Wind
These paintings are unusual and wonderful, painted with river water and native clay along the banks of the Mattaponi River, Mattaponi Indian Reservation. The Sun Eagle's Children/Families Sponsoring Program
is now located at Spirit-Rising.org. Gentle Wind's art is not back online as yet.
Rhonda Angel - Native American
Twenty-two paintings by Rhonda Angel are featured on this one page. Her works
were chosen by IHS for their Heritage Month (November, 1999) page.
Soapstone Carvings
This page shows a number of very nice Soapstone Carvings, and has links to
Information, other pages and sources of Soapstone.
The Virtual Keeping House
A First Nations Gallery of the work of ten artists, presented by The Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre (SICC),
established in 1972 to support First Nations education, art and cultures.
Wonderful Drum
This is artist Ken Skoda's original painting on an authentic West Coast Indian Drum, a soul
satisfying image. featured at ABoriginArt Galleries.