Native  American Culture (BD Shadow)

Native  American Culture written with pictures from 'Red Rock'

Site Index
Poetry and Essays
All Is Finished
This poem by Chief Dan George Salish (1899-1981),   written late in his life, might make you cry.

American Indian Quotations
A small collection of quotations by American Indian peoples, past and present.

The Ballad of Kokopelli
A ballad about Kokopelli, and additional poems about him.

Indigenous Poetry
Links to Poetry pages of many different Indigenous Peoples, including Turtle Island Nations, and Aztec, Maya, Nahuatl, and Quechua.

Native American Christmas
This is a very good description by Looks for Buffalo, an Oglala Sioux Spiritual Leader and SandieLee Bohlig, spiritual healer and teacher. Native American Christmas cards
Throughout the world, in every nation, from every heart, one prayer....
That all people live in freedom and peace reign everywhere.
A Christmas wish for you and all the world... PEACE
--- artist Brummett EchoHawk

Native Poems
Some wonderful poetry has been sent to Stonee's mail room. In sharing them he asks us to "learn from them what a Native Heart feels today."

Poems and Stories by Longtrail Snowbird
The poem "Eagle Hunter," by Longtrail, describes a very old method of capturing Eagles.

Poems and Stories by Shelley Smith
"Four Dreams" by Nunya Ageya is a beautiful piece about receiving her name.

Renee Womble's Poetry
"Renee is 3/4 Cherokee and 1/4 French, and was born and raised in the Eastern Cherokee reservation in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina." About Renee.

The Time of the Young Eagles
The beautiful prayer of the For the Children Program

Time Walker Trilogy
by Les Tate, visits with "Old Ones who walked this land long before us."

Thoughts from the Elders of Vnewetv
Compiled from various Native American Source Files and hosted on the North Florida Muskogee Creek Culture site.

NEW Wisdom, Truth & Vision
A wonderful collection of Poems & Essays on the "We Are All Related" section of Sun Singer.

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Native American Culture site created January 1, 2000

The "bones" border is copyright by Sonny Del Castillo. Thank You.
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